Cherone Duggan

Cherone Duggan

Cherone was a content team leader at Workable. She planned, managed and edited Workable's editorial content and she wrote about work culture.

How to build a new employee onboarding process

Employee onboarding is a structured process to integrate new hires into their roles and the company. It includes setting up work...

Why passion shouldn’t be a job requirement

Are you passionate about your job? Do you absolutely love what you do? Does every single one of your work responsibilities make ...

The ethics and etiquette of employee poaching

Employee poaching, while ethical, may not always be legal. It involves recruiting employees from direct competitors or former em...

How to find good employees: hire for skills, not talent

To find good employees, focus on measurable skills rather than vague concepts of talent. Conduct a skills gap analysis, write sk...

How companies succumb to sunk cost culture

In theory, companies are meant to act rationally, efficiently and in their own economic self-interest. But humans manage them, s...

Employee monitoring: to track or not to track?

As anyone who has ever worked in the corporate world knows, it’s easy to clock up a 9-5 day and get absolutely nothing done. Bef...

How to succeed as a HR leader: forget ‘best practices’

The HR industry has more buzzwordy ‘best practices’ than most. But they’re counter-productive. By definition, accepted or ‘stand...

How can we fix tech recruiting?

Technology fancies itself a meritocracy—more so than any other industry. In theory, coding ability is all you need to land a cod...

The false economy of unpaid internships

The word ‘intern’ has an ironic double meaning: to work as a trainee and to confine someone as a prisoner. Most articles about u...

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