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Hiring Solutions & Resources

CTA Reporting

Linearity: finding the solution in the details of hiring data

I am Dan, a Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist at Linearity with over five years hiring software engineers globally. I’v...

ROI of people analytics

ROI of people analytics: augment your value in HR

Either you’re an HR executive who knows the importance of collecting and analyzing people data to drive business success, or you...

HR formulas

10 formulas to help calculate the ROI of HR initiatives

Calculating the ROI of HR initiatives can be a challenge, but as an HR pro yourself, you know how crucial it is to determine the...

Recruiting metrics

Introduction to Recruiting Metrics FAQ

Intro to Recruiting Metrics What does KPI mean in recruitment? What are recruiting metrics? What can you learn from recruitment ...

qualified candidates per hire

Qualified candidates per hire: By location and business function

How many qualified candidates do you need exactly in order to make an informed hiring decision? Each company may have a differen...

key hiring metrics

Key hiring metrics: Useful benchmarks for tech roles

How does your tech recruiting process compare to that of other companies? You may know your own key hiring metrics like your ave...

New hire turnover image

How to reduce new hire turnover

‘New hire turnover’ refers to the percentage of employees who leave a company during a certain period of time, typically within ...

What is the average time to hire by industry?

How does your time to hire measure up against companies that compete for the same candidates as you? Here’s research on the aver...

How to measure talent pipeline metrics

A talent pipeline is a network of engaged passive candidates who can fill future roles in your company. Talent pipeline metrics ...

Recruiting metrics

Candidate experience metrics FAQ

Here are frequently asked questions and answers on candidate experience metrics to help you create a welcoming hiring process fo...

Recruiting metrics

Time to fill and time to hire metrics FAQ

Here are frequently asked questions and answers on time to fill and time to hire to help you plan, assess and optimize your hiri...

Recruiting metrics

Recruiting costs FAQ: Budget and cost per hire

Here are frequently asked questions and answers about recruiting costs to help you plan your budget, monitor your cost per hire ...

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