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Hiring Solutions & Resources

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onboarding checklists

Six core onboarding checklists you need for your HR toolkit

According to a study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), companies with standard onboarding processes see a 50%...

leadership challenges

Your roadmap to deal with leadership challenges

Today more than ever, leaders face a multitude of challenges, from resolving conflicts and nurturing emotional intelligence to f...

Grow your talent pool with AI 

Grow your talent pool with AI 

The increasing demand for skilled talent is a challenge for many companies so this why you need to grow your talent pool with AI...

screen resumes with ChatGPT

Screening resumes with ChatGPT: a step-by-step guide

Imagine yourself in the following scenario. You are the HR manager at a mid-stage tech startup. You need to grow and expand your...

fishingbooker reset

Resetting for growth: FishingBooker’s approach

All successful companies look alike, but the challenges they face on their road to success are unique.  While the core of those ...

Dell’s remote work ultimatum: is it the right decision?

Good news for Dell employees! If they like their remote jobs, they can keep their remote jobs! They just won’t be considered for...

ROI of HR technology

The ROI of HR technology integration explained

The strategic advantages of HR technology extend beyond operational efficiencies and financial metrics. The ROI of HR technology...

middle managers

Why middle managers are so unhappy – and what you can do

Middle managers might be the busiest people in your organization. They oversee other employees, negotiate with peers, and manage...

Upskilling opportunities for HR professionals

Upskilling opportunities for HR pros in the AI revolution

AI’s integration into HR processes is not just a futuristic concept, nor is it akin to the Roko’s basilisk experimen...

Email best practices in the modern hybrid workplace

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the workplace­ environment has encounte­red a significant metamorphosis. The e­mergence of re­m...

32-hour workweek

Sanders’ 32-hour workweek: what Reddit & employers think

If a company gave you Fridays off, but you were able to keep your current salary, would you do it? Of course you would. If you w...

common pitfalls in HRIS implementation

Avoiding common pitfalls in HRIS implementation

An HRIS can effectively shorten the ramp to full productivity. Additionally, it will assist your organization’s HR team in...

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