DEI in 2024 is a more polarized topic than in 2020 – Check out our recent survey and get the insights Download the report

How to find good employees: hire for skills, not talent

To find good employees, focus on measurable skills rather than vague concepts of talent. Conduct a skills gap analysis, write sk...

Social media recruiting: trends and features to watch

Social recruitment can evolve as quickly as social media features do, leaving recruiters feeling overwhelmed. Here’s a rou...

3 key HR metrics you should track

Key HR metrics: The most important metrics you should track

HR metrics measure how effective the results of your HR operations are, including elements such as employee retention and recrui...

How to attract candidates by improving your careers page

Your careers page is your personal pitch to candidates. It’s a place to show job seekers why your company is attractive, and mak...

Recruiting skills you can learn from non-HR disciplines

Online courses can help you sharpen your recruiting skills. Instead of going back to school to brush up your recruiting knowledg...

6 ways to build an employee referral program that works

Creating an effective employee referral program involves explaining job requirements, keeping employees updated, acknowledging g...

How recruiters and hiring managers can work together

Recruiters and hiring managers share a common goal: finding great candidates as quickly as possible. In a perfect world, their c...

Are employee referral bonuses worth it?

Employee referral bonuses can be an effective tool for incentivizing employees to refer potential candidates. However, the effec...

11 recruiting email mistakes to avoid

To make your recruiting emails to candidates more effective, all you need to do is go back to the basics. Forget fancy words or ...

Pre-employment testing: pros and cons

Pre-employment testing can predict the quality of hire under certain conditions. These tests should be legal, job-related, and w...


What defines a good recruiter?

A good recruiter is one who builds strong relationships, thinks ahead, collaborates effectively with hiring managers, keeps an o...

Perfecting your recruiting pitch

Perfecting a recruiting pitch involves understanding your candidate's needs and interests, and conveying what your company can o...

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