Hiring help, for free! Introducing Workable’s Free Tools for Managers
A free suite of tools designed to help managers hire.

Workable is thrilled to announce Workable’s Free Tools for Managers – a suite of tools designed to help managers hire. Generate interview kits and then add your candidates to evaluate them all in one place, for every job you’re hiring for.
Workable has learned a lot helping 27,000 companies make more than 1.5 million hires. We combine that expertise with the latest generative AI to craft a highly relevant interview kit for each job and then help you make it perfect by regenerating questions and incorporating your own.
How it works:
- Type in the job title and industry you’re hiring for.
- Receive a custom interview kit with main questions, potential answers, and follow-up questions in seconds.
- Add candidates by dragging and dropping their resumes or typing in their email addresses.
- Evaluate your candidates using your interview kit.
- Hire the best.
There are a few exciting updates on the way, too:
- Generate job descriptions
- Choosing the tone that matches your interview style
Workable’s Free Tools for Managers is the best way for managers to hire – for free.
Want to try? Type in your job title.