Hiring Solutions & Resources

Establishing a positive employer brand

A company’s reputation as an employer can significantly influence its recruitment outcomes. Our resources delve into the intricacies of employer branding, emphasizing its role in your overarching recruitment strategy. Gain insights into molding and showcasing a brand that resonates with your company’s values and work ethos. By strengthening your employer brand, you position yourself to magnetize top-tier talent consistently.

Workable's sales team

Behind the scenes with 3 members of Workable’s sales team

A few days ago, I visited the offices of Workable’s sales team in Athens. Located in a business district, Spaces, is a modern, e...

Talent attraction

Talent attraction: Why Maslow thinks your job ads suck

Face it: there’s not much you can do about your location or the industry you’re in. You are where you are. But here’s where you ...

Standard working hours in Hong Kong

No standard working hours in Hong Kong? This is an opportunity

When it comes to standard working hours, Hong Kong knows little equal. A local government census in 2016 showed that around one ...

how to fire an employee

How to fire an employee gracefully: 5 ways to do it right

When you’re in a new relationship, you’re filled with enthusiasm, making plans for your future together. You certainly don’t thi...

employee burnout

Employee burnout for employers: costs, causes and cures

Have you ever felt so exhausted and disheartened that you just don’t want to go to work? Many of us have these moments — p...

Top job sites for employers that won’t cost you a penny

Job sites, especially when cheap or even free, are an essential part of a healthy recruiting strategy: getting a few good candid...

Six candidate experience best practices

6 candidate experience best practices

“Candidate experience is just another HR buzzword.” “Focusing on candidate experience will hurt my time to hire.” “No matter wha...

Best Job Boards List

Best job boards: The ultimate job sites list for 2021

Advertising your job ad to the right job boards is the first step to attracting qualified candidates. But you may not have the t...

Five big reasons to put employee referrals back on the radar

Asking for recommendations for new roles is no longer as simple as sharing an update with colleagues across the office. Suddenly...

ai in recruitment

AI in recruitment: What the future holds for businesses and recruiters

Imagine you have an assistant – let’s call him Joe – who schedules interviews flawlessly, screens resumes without a hint of bias...

controversial topics at work

Can we discuss politics or other controversial topics at work?

Let’s say that one of your employees posts a racist joke on their personal social media page. Even if it was meant by that emplo...

Brexit and employment: 6 things you can do today to prepare for Brexit

If you’re in the recruiting space, Brexit poses a unique conundrum. The lack of clarity around what’s coming up has led to, amon...

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