Hiring Solutions & Resources

CTA Automate and hire

Recruiting metrics

Job offer acceptance rate metrics FAQ

Job offer metrics help you measure the quality of your job offers and, by extension, your recruitment process. Here are frequent...

recruiting via text

How to recruit via SMS text messages

Why recruit via text: Texting is: Easy.  People of all age ranges are familiar with texting. And texting doesn’t appear to be go...

Agency vs. in-house recruitment: Which is the right career fit for you?

Many recruiters face the choice between agency and in-house recruiting careers. To help you make the right choice for you, here’...

Time management tips for recruiters

Use this list of the best recruiter time management advice, apps and tools to organize your schedule and approach your sourcing ...

12 time-saving email templates for recruiters

Email templates for recruiters are valuable tools, but they should come with a safety label: ‘Use with care.’ There’s always the...

How to measure (and improve) your offer acceptance rate

An offer acceptance rate (OAR) is the percentage of candidates who accepted a formal job offer. The OAR is measured by dividing ...

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