DEI in 2024 is a more polarized topic than in 2020 – Check out our recent survey and get the insights Download the report

INFOGRAPHIC: How do you lure passive candidates in the US?

“My job is OK, but I’d definitely look at a new opportunity if they had ______.” Passive candidates who say this may not be acti...

INFOGRAPHIC: 37% of US workers are passive candidates. Who are they?

Passive candidates, who are open to new opportunities but not actively seeking, make up 37.3% of US workers. They are prevalent ...

positive discrimination

Positive discrimination: What it is and how you can implement it

Positive discrimination refers to preferential treatment aimed at bringing underrepresented groups to a level of equity in the w...

INFOGRAPHIC: Flexible work arrangements and US priorities

Great Resignation, anyone? It’s not just that workers are quitting in the US – they’re simply not applying for new roles. If you...

INFOGRAPHIC: Flexible working and talent priorities in the UK

Great Resignation, anyone? It’s not just that workers are quitting in the UK – they’re simply not applying for new roles. If you...

The education solution: Address gender barriers as an employer

Women, especially working mothers, have borne the worst of the pandemic’s economic effects. One way for employers to survive the...

Devil in the details: The cost of the hiring process and what you can do about it

If you're a recruiter at a fast-growing organization, you likely are – or are soon going to be – in charge of finding great cand...

surviving the big quit

How do you overcome the Big Quit as an employer?

The current trend of people leaving their jobs is not slowing down with 4.4 million Americans quitting their jobs in September o...

Hiring Pulse

Your Hiring Pulse report for November 2021

In October’s Hiring Pulse, we wrote that we’re more in a “new time” as opposed to a “crazy time” when it comes to hiring, retent...

Chris Bodensieck

Podcast episode #16: Why returning to the office could be your hiring differentiator

In the midst of the remote work phenomenon, a return to office actually has significant benefits. Find out more in this episode ...

the benefits of working remotely

Integrating work and home a top benefit of working remotely in US

According to our New World of Work survey in August 2020, the advent of flexible work is one of the biggest workplace changes co...

working remotely

Benefits of working remotely: UK workers get back an hour a day – and they like it

According to our New World of Work survey in August 2020, the advent of flexible work is one of the biggest workplace changes co...

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