DEI in 2024 is a more polarized topic than in 2020 – Check out our recent survey and get the insights Download the report

International Women's Day 2022

International Women’s Day 2022: The plight of the working mother

For this year's International Women's Day, Workable takes a look at the unsustainable work-life balance of the working mother. W...

Hiring Pulse

Your Hiring Pulse report for March 2022

Last month, in February’s Hiring Pulse, we went into depth on the lack of candidates for open roles in our employer network. If ...

Salary transparency: Good thing for employees – and employers?

We don’t discuss three things: Money, politics, and religion. I’ll leave the politics and religion for another article, but we r...

70% rule of hiring

The 70% rule of hiring: When ‘hired’ is better than ‘perfect’

As a hiring manager, one of the most important aspects of your job is to hire and onboard the right people for the company. Afte...

Hiring at scale in tech for 2022: A top CPO shares her tips

How do you hire en masse if you’re a SMB-sized Fintech company operating out of Atlanta, operating in a very competitive tech sp...

antiwork lessons for employers

4 lessons for employers from Reddit’s Antiwork community

You probably want to stay away from Reddit's new subreddit, /r/antiwork – also known in everyday parlance as the "anti-work move...

Hiring Pulse

Your Hiring Pulse report for February 2022

In the Hiring Pulses up to this point, we’ve highlighted the ever-shortening Candidates per Hire metric combined with a quicker ...

37.5% of US workers value flexwork – but companies aren’t on board

According to the Great Discontent survey of US workers, work flexibility (whether remote work or flexible schedules) is the thir...

Flexwork a must for 43.5% of UK workers – but are employers listening?

According to UK workers polled in the Great Discontent worker survey, work flexibility – whether that’s remote work or flexible ...

Hiring Pulse

Your Hiring Pulse report for January 2022

In the Hiring Pulses up to this point, we’ve highlighted the ever-shortening Candidates per Hire metric combined with a quicker ...

Flexible work hours: it’s important for 58% of US workers, survey finds

According to our New World of Work survey, 44.9% of businesses cited staggered or flexible work schedules as a major change in t...

Flexible schedules a must for 57% of UK workers: Great Discontent survey

According to our New World of Work survey, 44.9% of businesses cited staggered or flexible work schedules as a major change in t...

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