DEI in 2024 is a more polarized topic than in 2020 – Check out our recent survey and get the insights Download the report

10 signs you need an applicant tracking system

Think of a shortlist of your most effective business tools. Now ask yourself how many of those you wish you’d heard about and st...

Writing job descriptions for hiring millennials

Millennials are now the largest generation in the workforce. More than 35m millennials and Generation-Y employees (those born af...

Questions to ask about your key recruitment metrics

Hiring metrics, reports and recruitment KPIs are only as useful as the questions they answer about your business. So, before we ...

How to scale your distributed team

Technology has advanced to the point that remote working no longer conjures the image of freelancers in pajamas. Thanks to high-...

5 alternatives to the same old resume

Traditional resumes are being challenged by innovative alternatives like LinkedIn profiles, infographic resumes, social resumes,...

2016 social recruitment trends forecast

Social recruitment seems to have almost slavishly followed the stages of the Gartner Hype Cycle. We’ve trekked over the “peak of...

Fresh ideas for your employee referral program

If you don’t have a process for collecting candidate referrals, here’s how you can build one in five steps. If you do have an em...

HR Tech World takeaways: employer branding tools and international hiring tips

Did you miss Day One of #HRTechWorld? We’ve got you covered. From Day Two, we’ve sharing employer branding tools tha...

Three winning recruiting tips from HR Tech World

Last week we covered #HRTechConf from Las Vegas. This week, we’re in Paris, bringing you the best of #HRTechWorld. Our thr...

HRTech conference: innovative hiring with social recruiting and video

At the HR Technology Conference (#HRTechConf) in Las Vegas, we’re keeping a finger on the pulse of  the most innovative hi...

Recruiting passive candidates: what you need to know

Whether you’re a hiring manager, an internal recruiter or the owner of a small business at some point you’ll be faced with cold ...

What to look for and who to hire

When hiring, look for individuals who punch above your weight, have the potential to grow, fit your company's culture, and posse...

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