Suzanne Lucas

Suzanne Lucas

Suzanne Lucas spent 10 years in corporate human resources, where she hired, fired, managed the numbers, and double-checked with the lawyers. She now works as a consultant on all of the above.


Is your offboarding program how you want it to look?

Employees come and go. No matter how fantastic you are as an employer and what a great culture you have, people will eventually ...

presidential election

The world’s longest job interview: a presidential election

Yep, it’s a presidential election. While we generally don’t think of elections as job interviews, that is precisely what they ar...

Gen Z

Gen Z: helpless or just asking for help?

Gen Z is terrible. Just terrible. The worst generation ever. Or something....

side hustles

Turning side hustles into business benefits

Employee side hustles can be a double-edged sword for businesses. While some side gigs enhance skills and productivity, others m...

HR hills

What HR hills would you die on?

Well, maybe not die, but put up a big battle. My big hill is dress codes: I think every business needs one. People who insist th...

idea theft

Idea theft and how it impacts employee morale

Have you ever been in a meeting where someone presented your idea as their own? It’s disheartening. It doesn’t feel appropriate ...

rage applying

Rage applying: addressing the root causes, not the symptoms

Have you ever been so angry you just wanted to stomp out of work but you realize you like eating and having a place to live so y...

boomerang employees

Boomerang employees: should you target them?

Explore the benefits of hiring boomerang employees and how they can enhance your company's growth. Learn why nearly half of form...

Decoding office etiquette

Decoding office etiquette: guiding interns effectively

Interns often struggle with office etiquette, from dress codes to punctuality and communication norms. Clear, explicit guideline...

upgrade FLSA

Upgrade FLSA: legislation vs free market in employment

The Evil HR Lady provides insights on the recent update of the minimum salary for exempt employees in the US – and offers her un...

Legal experts chime in on the FTC’s noncompete ban

The Evil HR Lady shares insights from CEOs and legal experts on the FTC's noncompete ban and what it means for businesses – and ...

Evil HR Lady hot takes

Evil HR Lady: four hot takes on hot topics in HR

The Evil HR Lady shares her hot takes on HR debates like office returns, training, and work-life balance. A must-read for HR pro...

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