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Web Administrator interview questions and answers

These sample Web Administrator interview questions will help you assess candidates’ skills. Use them to hire the most qualified people for your open roles.

Christina Pavlou
Christina Pavlou

An experienced recruiter and HR professional who has transferred her expertise to insightful content to support others in HR.

Web Administrator Interview Questions

Web Administrators or Webmasters monitor and improve website performance, upgrade servers and coordinate all published content. They ensure websites are functional and serve end users’ needs.

Candidates for this role usually have a Computer Science degree and experience with HTML/CSS, XML or Javascript. Certificates in web technologies are a plus. Consider adding an assignment to your hiring process (e.g. conduct a disaster recovery plan or run a stress test) to evaluate candidates’ troubleshooting skills.

Look for candidates who proactively identify and address technical issues. These people like to take initiative and have solid problem-solving abilities. They’ll also be good team players, eager to assist co-workers and promptly respond to employee queries.

Operational and Situational questions

  • If we wanted to design a new microsite for our company page, what would your responsibilities be?
  • How would you check and fix broken links?
  • What firewalls would you set up to ensure security?
  • What would you check if a website didn’t load for one specific web browser?
  • Why would or wouldn’t you give admin rights to local users?
  • What do you think are the server capacity needs for a company of our size?
  • What guidelines would you give to our employees to minimize security threats?

Role-specific questions

  • What web management tools have you used?
  • What computer protocols are you familiar with?
  • What’s the role of a web proxy server?
  • Mention two or three common reasons for low loading speeds on a corporate website. How would you troubleshoot these issues?
  • What is the software Bonjour? Is it safe for a corporate web environment?
  • How do you measure conversion rates for a web page?
  • Are you familiar with keyword research to improve a page’s Google rankings? What kinds of tools do you use to research keywords? (e.g. Keyword Planner and Moz)

Behavioral questions

  • Describe the biggest job-related challenge you’ve faced so far. What was the situation and how did you manage to overcome obstacles?
  • How do you learn about new web technologies and tools? Do you read any specific blogs or attend conferences, meetups, etc?
  • Have you ever suggested a solution that helped a company improve its website? (e.g. in rankings or traffic) If so, what was your suggestion, how did you implement it and what were the results?
  • Describe a website you recently visited that was poorly designed. What did you feel was wrong with it? In your opinion, what features enhance user experience?
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