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Hiring Solutions & Resources


screen resumes with ChatGPT

Screening resumes with ChatGPT: a step-by-step guide

Imagine yourself in the following scenario. You are the HR manager at a mid-stage tech startup. You need to grow and expand your...

AI in recruitment

How to use AI for human touch in recruitment

Recruitment is a necessarily human-facing field, and AI recruitment tools can’t automate all of the in-person interactions you n...

ChatGPT for executive onboarding

ChatGPT for executive onboarding: hiring the big shots

A ship can’t sail without a captain, a restaurant can’t deliver food without a head chef, and a business can’t run without an ex...

Hiring Pulse

Your Hiring Pulse report for September 2023

In August’s Hiring Pulse, we noted the ever-increasing number of candidates per hire and a dropping Time to Fill trend. We noted...

Build a Sales Team With ChatGPT

Build a sales team with ChatGPT – with prompt examples

Sales has always been a hyper-competitive, cutthroat field. With the evolution of ChatGPT and AI technology, it’s about to get a...

AI Marketing for recruitment

AI is changing recruitment marketing – your next move

Many recruiters are eager to adopt new technologies that can improve their workflow and streamline time-consuming and tedious pr...

AI recruitment software

How to choose the right AI recruiting software

Artificial intelligence seems to be optimizing everything lately, and the recruitment process is no exception. Finding, screenin...

chatgpt for recruiting

7 clever ways ChatGPT can help recruiters get more done

AI is no longer a far-off, hypothetical, futuristic concept – it is here, and it’s happening now. As recruiters, we can ei...

Hiring Pulse

Your Hiring Pulse report for July 2023

In June’s Hiring Pulse, we pointed out how ChatGPT and its AI cousins are impacting the job landscape, and that the stabilizatio...

workforce planning strategy

Workforce planning strategy in the AI-driven economy

AI is already having an impact on how we work, and it’s only going to become more prevalent in the years to come. An AI-dr...

chatgpt in recruitment

ChatGPT in recruitment: how to teach your teams to use it

ChatGPT and other generative AI tools offer innovative solutions to complex solutions – including in recruitment. It can save ha...

Create exit interview reports in minutes using ChatGPT

Create exit interview reports in minutes using ChatGPT

Did you know that ChatGPT can be a very helpful tool in your quest for better retention rates and the improvement of corporate c...

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