Recruiter average salary

The US National Average salary for a Recruiter is $58,850. This figure is a culmination of data from Glassdoor, which lists an average of $60,366, and, which reports a lower average of $57,375.

How much does a recruiter make in a year?

Among recruiters, the top 90% can expect salaries up to $84,000. On the lower end, the bottom 10% have salaries not exceeding $40,000. Additionally, Glassdoor suggests that with bonuses and other compensations, the earnings of recruiters can surge to as much as $79,163. The graphic below shows the lowest and highest salaries based on all of our sources. The average range was calculated by combining the average amounts from Glassdoor and Payscale.

recruiter salary profile

Career Outlook

At the entry level, recruiters earn an average salary of $46,000, according to Payscale. Until their late career, they see a gradual rise to $55,000 and then $64,000. The maximum average salary of recruiters reaches $70,000 after 20 years of experience.

Related: How to attract and hire entry-level employees 

Recruiters typically report to HR Managers, HR business partners or Talent specialists. In large corporate structures they may also report to a Senior Recruiter. Many of them can be promoted to this position as well as the position of Corporate recruiter and HR Manager. Recruiters don’t typically have supervisory roles although occasionally they will manage a team of recruiting researchers. These numbers are aggregated and include the average technical (IT) recruiter salary, corporate recruiter salary and executive recruiter salary.

Top Paying US cities

Geography plays a significant role in determining the salary of a Recruiter. Cities with a higher cost of living and booming industries often offer higher compensations. Based on Zippia these are the top paying US cities:

  • Washington: $63,943
  • Rhode Island: $62,038
  • Massachusetts: $66,136
  • District of Columbia: $65,792
  • New York: $62,624

Job Description & Interview Questions

Recruiter roles and responsibilities (included in the recruiter job description) involves full-cycle recruiting. Recruiter duties extend from sourcing candidates to negotiating terms of employment. The best Recruiter interview questions are meant to discover the skills needed for all stages of the hiring process.

Skills & Qualifications

In the dynamic world of recruitment, a recruiter’s skill set is both broad and specialized. A deep understanding of the entire recruiting process is fundamental. From the initial stages of identifying potential candidates to the final steps of negotiating terms of employment, a recruiter must be adept at navigating each phase with precision and tact.

Their expertise often extends to mastering sourcing techniques, leveraging applicant tracking systems, and harnessing the power of social media marketing to attract top talent. In today’s digital age, familiarity with various online platforms and tools is invaluable, allowing recruiters to tap into wider talent pools and streamline the hiring process.

Moreover, soft skills play a pivotal role in a recruiter’s success. Their ability to build and maintain relationships is paramount, as they often serve as the first point of contact between the organization and potential employees.

Effective communication, both written and verbal, ensures that they can convey the company’s values and culture while understanding the aspirations and concerns of candidates. Empathy, active listening, and negotiation skills further enhance their ability to match the right candidate with the right role, ensuring mutual satisfaction.

As ambassadors of the organization, their interpersonal prowess and ethical considerations set the tone for future employee-employer relationships.

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