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HR generalist average salary

The US National Average salary for a Human Resources Generalist is $59,543. This figure is derived from Glassdoor’s reported average of $60,091 and Payscale.com’s slightly lower average of $58,995.

How much does an HR generalist make?

Among HR Generalists, the bottom 10% earn up to $45,000, while the top 90% have salaries not exceeding $76,000.

A visual representation below provides a clearer picture of the salary spectrum, showcasing the lowest and highest salaries based on comprehensive data. The average salary, as mentioned, is a balanced amalgamation of figures from both Glassdoor and Payscale.

HR Generalist salary profile

When HR generalists enter the field, they are paid an average of $62,000, according to Payscale.com. As they proceed to gain experience their salary may go up to $63,000 in 10 years. After that point, their salary doesn’t change significantly, reaching up to the same average of $63,000 in their late-career.

HR Generalists typically report to an HR business partner or HR manager. They can advance to these positions after several years of experience. They usually enter the field as HR generalist, although occasionally they are promoted from the position of HR assistant.

Top Paying US cities

Geography plays a significant role in determining the salary of an HR Generalist. Cities with a higher cost of living and booming industries often offer higher compensations. Based on Zippia these are the top paying US cities:

  • New York: $64,053
  • Washington: $63,461
  • New Jersey: $61,805
  • California: $61,413
  • Virginia: $60,742

Job Description & Interview Questions

The role of an HR Generalist is multifaceted. Often considered an entry point into the HR domain, their responsibilities span across various HR functions. From talent acquisition and development to compensation, benefits, and performance management, they wear many hats. The HR generalist job description also involves meticulous record-keeping and serving as the first point of contact for resolving HR-related issues. When interviewing potential candidates, it’s imperative to gauge their understanding of these responsibilities and assess their fit for the role. The right HR generalist interview questions can help discern their proficiency and passion for HR.

Skills & Qualifications

The academic and professional backdrop of an HR Generalist is diverse. While a Bachelor’s degree is typically the minimum requirement, the field of study can vary. However, specialized HR training or certifications can give candidates an edge. Their skill set should ideally encompass performance management, compensation & benefits administration, and a deep understanding of employee relations. Their role is not just administrative but also strategic, requiring a blend of soft skills and technical knowledge.

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