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Closing interview questions and answers

Looking for questions to close interviews with candidates? These sample closing interview questions will help you end job interviews on a positive note and make better hiring decisions.

Christina Pavlou
Christina Pavlou

An experienced recruiter and HR professional who has transferred her expertise to insightful content to support others in HR.

Closing interview questions

How to close interviews with candidates

Job interviews help you evaluate candidates’ skills and describe your open roles. But, before walking candidates out, make sure you:

  • Clarify and resolve issues you might haven’t previously discussed (e.g. salary requirements)
  • Understand whether candidates have a good sense of the job’s requirements
  • Gauge candidates’ interest in the role and the company

Also, give candidates enough time to ask their own questions. Remember to thank candidates for their time and let them know of next steps (e.g. when to expect hearing back from you.)

Sample closing interview questions to candidates

  • Do you have any questions for us? (e.g. about our company or the role)
  • Does this position line up with what you expected, based on the job ad?
  • Why do you think you would be a good fit for the role?
  • How much notice do you need to give to your current employer?
  • What are your salary requirements?
  • Now that we’ve discussed this position in-depth, would you re-apply? Why / Why not?
  • Based on our interview, if you were hired, how would you describe your new position?
  • Are you still interested in this position?

Tips for choosing the best closing interview questions

  • End your interviews with specific closing questions to help you understand candidates’ intentions and make better hiring decisions. Ask questions to help you determine if candidates are a culture fit. You can also give candidates the chance to make closing statements.
  • Ending interviews on a positive note is part of creating a good candidate experience. Avoid asking challenging interview questions last. Instead, recap job responsibilities and discuss logistical matters (e.g. required notice period.)
  • Whether you end up moving a candidate to the next hiring stage or not, make sure their voice is heard. At the end of each interview, always let candidates ask their own questions. They might address issues you haven’t discussed.

Red flags

  • Signs of rushing. A candidate who can’t wait for the interview to finish and doesn’t have any follow up questions for you mightn’t be interested in the role. Look for signs of disengagement during the interview: Did they seem bored or dissatisfied with something you mentioned? Were they checking their watch or the clock?
  • Dealbreakers. At the end of the interview, it’s good to revisit potential dealbreakers that you might have asked in the application form or during screening calls. Candidates have a clearer idea of the role’s responsibilities, so they might change their requirements (e.g. ask for a higher salary.) If you and the candidate have different requirements and neither can compromise, they’re not a good match for the position.
  • Inconsistent behavior. It’s common for candidates to be nervous at the beginning of the interview and gradually feel more comfortable. But, if you spot significant changes in their attitude (e.g. they go from kind to arrogant) it’s a sign they may not be honest, or that they don’t really want the job.
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