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Hiring Solutions & Resources

Recruitment process & strategy

Develop your entire recruitment strategy and process from the bottom up with the help of these resources.

Tech recruitment in London: Luring and sourcing top tech talent

Tech recruitment in London: Luring and sourcing top tech talent

As a recruiter or hiring manager in the hypercompetitive tech recruitment landscape, you’re likely fighting tooth and nail for t...

corporate retreat

Evolution of a company retreat: from product updates to breaking bread

Some people call it a corporate retreat. Others call it a company gathering. Still others call it an all-hands. Workable CEO Nik...

4 benefits of remote working for employers

The work-abroad dream: 4 benefits of remote working for employers

Whether you’re a multinational organization or have an office in an unsexy location, the opportunity for international remote wo...

talent community

How you can benefit from building a talent community

Matt Buckland has a long career in recruitment, and according to him, it shows. “I started in recruitment in about the year 2000...


What is people operations?

People operations – also referred to as People Ops – prioritize employees, encompassing actions that enhance their productivity ...


What is a people team?

A “people team” in an organization shifts the traditional HR focus from merely administrative tasks to prioritizing ...

The power of a corporate retreat: 5 reasons why you should do it

The power of a corporate retreat: 5 reasons why you should do it

Corporate retreats boost morale, foster collaboration, and save money. They provide an inclusive environment for socializing, re...


What are soft skills?

Soft skills are general traits not specific to any job, helping employees excel in any workplace. They include communication, te...


What is employee ghosting?

Employee ghosting refers to employees suddenly cutting off communication and disappearing without notice. This behavior disrupts...


What is talent? Talent definition in the workplace

Talent in the workplace can refer to both innate abilities and mastered skills. While talent is a natural aptitude that emerges ...

scaling a sales team

Inside Workable: Scaling a sales team successfully

Imagine you've just been tasked to build out your company's sales team. Hiring one great salesperson is something you’ve probabl...

The engineering team at Workable wasn't built in a single day, but Spyros Magiatis grew it from a team of three into a 100-strong department of successful tribes all dedicated to Workable's product.

Building a winning engineering team: Workable CTO tells his story

When you talk to Spyros Magiatis about his experience building the engineering team that owns Workable’s recruitment software, y...

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