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Hiring Solutions & Resources

Developing & retaining my best people

Believe it or not, keeping your employees engaged and happy is essential in hiring top talent. Utilize these resources to create the best experience for your employees and you’ll be sure to see the payouts for your efforts.

how to fire an employee

How to fire an employee gracefully: 5 ways to do it right

When you’re in a new relationship, you’re filled with enthusiasm, making plans for your future together. You certainly don’t thi...

employee promotion to manager

‘Employee promotion to manager’ time: 4 tips to inspire your stars

There are two crucial elements to successful people management: first, you want to reward your most capable employees, and secon...

hobbies in resume

There’s much to learn when candidates include hobbies in a resume

When you see a candidate include hobbies in a resume, your first thought as a recruiter or hiring manager might be: “That’s cute...

employee burnout

Employee burnout for employers: costs, causes and cures

Have you ever felt so exhausted and disheartened that you just don’t want to go to work? Many of us have these moments — p...

hire more women in tech

The balancing beam of diverse teams: On hiring women in tech

I’ve been incredibly fortunate, as the employers I’ve worked for, not only recognized the importance of diverse team...

how to improve restaurant turnover rate

How to improve your restaurant turnover rate

Think of your favorite meal, perfectly cooked, beautifully served to you on a plate while you’re sitting in a comfortable chair ...

8 steps of the selection process for hiring employees

8 steps of the selection process for hiring employees

Let’s face it: finding and selecting a candidate for a job isn’t as cut and dried as it may initially seem. You don’t just look ...

Six candidate experience best practices

6 candidate experience best practices

“Candidate experience is just another HR buzzword.” “Focusing on candidate experience will hurt my time to hire.” “No matter wha...

Best Job Boards List

Best job boards: The ultimate job sites list for 2021

Advertising your job ad to the right job boards is the first step to attracting qualified candidates. But you may not have the t...

job offer letter examples

8 job offer letter templates for every circumstance with extra tips

Finding the perfect hire isn’t easy. Most of the time you have to review a lot of resumes and see many candidates before you mak...

Five big reasons to put employee referrals back on the radar

Asking for recommendations for new roles is no longer as simple as sharing an update with colleagues across the office. Suddenly...

Employee development and the Peter Principle

Employee development and the Peter Principle: Why your managers keep messing up

“Look around you where you work, and pick out the people who have reached their level of incompetence. You will see that in ever...

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