How to find Sales Coordinators with Boolean search strings

To hire Sales Coordinators, use Boolean search to enrich your hiring pipeline with new resumes. Our sample Boolean strings provide a basis to create your own searches based on location and skills that are relevant to your open roles.

When sourcing EU candidates, please refer to guidance on collecting candidate information as per the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR.


Generic search string to find Sales Coordinators

To target resumes, use the intitle: and inurl: operators to look for the word “resume” (or related ones like “CV” and “work history”) in page titles and page urls.

When your search strings generate pages that are irrelevant to your search, like templates and job ads, use the NOT (-) operator to hide those pages. Here’s an example of a basic string you can further modify:

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) “sales coordinator” -job -jobs -templates -examples -sample


Examples of Boolean search strings to find Sales Coordinators by industry and skills

Find Sales Coordinators who:

Have worked in location-based sales

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) ”sales coordinator” “national sales” -job -jobs -template -sample -examples

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) ”sales coordinator” (“international sales” OR “global sales”) -job -jobs -sample -examples

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) ”regional sales coordinator” -job -jobs -sample -examples

Have experience in a specific industry

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) “sales coordinator” (medical OR pharma) -job -jobs -sample -examples -samples -template -writing

Have experience in certain types of sales

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) “sales coordinator” (“outside sales” OR “field sales”) -job -jobs -sample -examples -samples

Has worked in the hotel industry

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) “sales coordinator” hotel -job -jobs -sample -examples -samples -writing -vacancy

Examples of Boolean search strings to find Sales Coordinators by location

By state or city:

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) “sales coordinator” (Texas OR TX) -job -jobs -sample -examples

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) “sales coordinator” “Los Angeles” -job -jobs -sample -examples


By area codes:

(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) “sales coordinator” (408 OR 669) CA -job -jobs -sample -templates

Find area codes here.

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