Employee performance standards policy template

The employee performance standards policy outlines the expected behavior and performance levels for employees. The policy aims to provide clear guidelines for employees to follow, ensuring they meet the organization's expectations and contribute to its success.

Having a well-defined employee performance standards policy can benefit HR professionals in several ways.

Firstly, it provides a clear framework for evaluating employee performance, making it easier to identify areas where employees need improvement.

Secondly, it helps ensure consistency in applying performance standards across different departments and teams, promoting fairness and equity.

Finally, it serves as a reference point for addressing performance-related issues, enabling HR to address concerns promptly and effectively.

What is an employee performance standards policy?

The employee performance standards policy covers various aspects of employee behavior and performance, including:

  • Attendance and punctuality: Employees are expected to be punctual and regular in their attendance. Unexplained absences or tardiness may lead to disciplinary action.
  • Work quality and productivity: Employees must demonstrate high-quality work and maintain acceptable productivity levels. They should complete tasks within assigned deadlines and take ownership of their work.
  • Communication: Employees must communicate effectively with colleagues, supervisors, and clients. This includes verbal and written communication, as well as active listening skills.
  • Teamwork and collaboration: Employees are expected to work collaboratively with others, contributing to a positive team environment. They should be supportive of their colleagues and actively participate in team discussions.
  • Adaptability and flexibility: Employees must be adaptable and flexible in response to changing business needs. They should be willing to learn new skills and assume additional responsibilities when necessary.
  • Professionalism and respect: Employees must conduct themselves professionally at all times, treating colleagues, clients, and visitors with respect and dignity.
  • Compliance with policies and procedures: Employees are expected to comply with organizational policies and procedures, including those related to confidentiality, data security, and workplace safety.

An employee performance standards policy should include:

  1. Policy statement: A brief introduction outlining the purpose and scope of the policy.
  2. Definitions: Clear explanations of key terms used in the policy, such as “attendance,” “productivity,” and “professionalism.”
  3. Performance expectations: Detailed descriptions of the behavior and performance levels expected from employees, along with specific examples or metrics where possible.
  4. Responsibilities: A list of responsibilities for both employees and management, highlighting their roles in upholding the policy.
  5. Consequences of non-compliance: A description of the consequences employees may face if they violate the policy, including disciplinary actions and potential termination.
  6. Implementation and review: Details on how the policy will be implemented, reviewed, and updated regularly to ensure its effectiveness.
  7. Signature page: Include a signature page for employees to acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the policy.

Step-by-step instructions to create this policy

To create an employee performance standards policy, follow these steps:

  1. Review existing policies: Research and analyze your organization’s current policies, procedures, and codes of conduct to ensure consistency and minimize redundancy.
  2. Identify core values and objectives: Determine your organization’s core values, mission, and goals, and use them as a foundation for the policy’s development.
  3. Engage stakeholders: Involve HR colleagues, supervisors, managers, and legal representatives in the policy creation process to ensure diverse perspectives and input.
  4. Define key terms and expectations: Develop clear definitions and explanations of essential terms and performance expectations to avoid misinterpretation.
  5. Establish responsibilities: Clearly outline the responsibilities of both employees and management regarding policy adherence and enforcement.
  6. Specify consequences: Determine appropriate consequences for non-compliance, ensuring they are proportionate to the severity of the violation.
  7. Set implementation and review dates: Schedule specific dates for policy implementation, review, and updates to maintain its relevance and efficacy.
  8. Include a signature page: Provide a signature page for employees to confirm their understanding and commitment to upholding the policy.
  9. Review and revise (as needed): Carefully review the policy with all stakeholders, making revisions as necessary before finalizing and implementing it.

Employee performance standards policy template

[Organization Name]

Employee Performance Standards Policy


[Organization Name] is committed to maintaining high standards of employee behavior and performance. This policy outlines the expected behavior and performance levels for our employees, providing guidelines for both employees and management to follow. The policy aims to promote a positive work environment, support employee growth, and contribute to the organization’s success.


The following definitions apply to this policy:

  • Attendance: Refers to an employee’s physical presence at their assigned workplace during scheduled working hours.
  • Productivity: Measures the quality and quantity of work produced by an employee within a specified timeframe.
  • Communication: Includes verbal and written interactions between employees, supervisors, clients, and other stakeholders.
  • Teamwork: Collaborative efforts among employees, departments, and teams to achieve shared goals and objectives.
  • Adaptability: Employees’ ability to adjust to changing business needs, processes, or technologies.
  • Professionalism: Conducting oneself with dignity, respect, and integrity in all aspects of work.

Performance expectations

Employees are expected to meet the following performance expectations:

1. Attendance and punctuality:

  • Be punctual for work and meetings.
  • Notify your supervisor in advance for any absences or tardiness.
  • Maintain a consistent attendance record, avoiding unexplained absences or excessive tardiness.

2. Work quality and productivity:

  • Demonstrate high-quality work that meets organizational standards.
  • Complete tasks within assigned deadlines, managing your workload effectively.
  • Take ownership of your work, ensuring accuracy and attention to detail.

3. Communication:

  • Communicate clearly, concisely, and professionally in all interactions.
  • Listen actively and respond appropriately to feedback.
  • Use appropriate channels for communication (e.g., email, phone, or in-person discussions).

4. Teamwork and collaboration:

  • Contribute positively to team efforts, sharing knowledge and expertise.
  • Support colleagues when needed, fostering a collaborative environment.
  • Participate in team meetings and activities, contributing to shared goals.

5. Adaptability and flexibility:

  • Be open to learning new skills and assuming additional responsibilities.
  • Demonstrate willingness to adapt to changing business needs and processes.
  • Embrace new technologies and tools that enhance work efficiency and productivity.

6. Professionalism and respect:

  • Conduct yourself with professionalism and respect at all times.
  • Treat colleagues, clients, and visitors with dignity and respect.
  • Maintain confidentiality and discretion in sensitive matters.

7. Compliance with policies and procedures:

  • Familiarize yourself with organizational policies and procedures.
  • Adhere to policies and procedures at all times, seeking clarification when necessary.
  • Report any instances of non-compliance or potential violations to your supervisor or HR.


Employees are responsible for upholding the standards outlined in this policy. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Management is responsible for:

  • Providing clear communication and training on this policy.
  • Setting performance expectations and providing feedback.
  • Addressing performance concerns and taking appropriate disciplinary action.
  • Ensuring consistency in applying performance standards across departments and teams.

Consequences of non-compliance

Violating this policy may result in disciplinary action, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation. Disciplinary actions may include:

  1. Verbal warning: A verbal warning will be issued, discussing the violation and expected improvements.
  2. Written warning: A written warning will be provided, detailing the violation, corrective actions, and consequences of continued non-compliance.
  3. Performance improvement plan: A performance improvement plan may be implemented to address specific performance issues.
  4. Suspension: Depending on the severity of the violation, a suspension with or without pay may be enforced.
  5. Termination: In extreme cases or repeated violations, termination of employment may occur.

Implementation and Review

This policy is effective as of [insert date] and supersedes all previous employee performance standards policies. It will be reviewed and updated annually or as needed, ensuring it remains relevant and effective. All employees are required to sign an acknowledgement form confirming their understanding and commitment to adhere to this policy.

I have read, understood, and agree to uphold the employee performance standards policy. I understand that failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Employee Signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________________________
Supervisor/Manager Signature: ____________________________ Date: ______________________________

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