Employee performance management policy

An Employee Performance Management Policy is invaluable as it provides a structured approach for enhancing productivity, aligning individual goals with organizational objectives, and fostering continuous improvement. It promotes transparency, motivates employees, and aids in identifying and addressing performance gaps effectively.

This employee performance management policy template can help you draft the responsibilities of the employees to ensure better performance for your organization. Modify it based on your needs.

What is a Performance Management Policy?

Performance Management is a systematic process that involves improving the effectiveness of a company by improving the performance of its employees. This policy outlines the company’s approach to managing employee performance, including the setting of objectives, performance reviews, feedback, and development plans.

A Performance Management Policy should include:

  • The definition of performance management
  • The responsibilities of the employer and employees in the performance management process.
  • The process for setting objectives and conducting performance reviews.
  • The steps the organization will take to address performance issues.
  • The potential consequences for unsatisfactory performance.

This Performance Management Policy template is ready to be tailored to your company’s needs and should be considered a starting point for setting up your employment policies.

Policy brief & purpose

Our Performance Management Policy provides a framework for managing, enhancing and improving the performance of our employees. This policy provides practical advice to avoid issues that might arise from performance management.


This policy applies to all employees.

Policy elements

Understanding performance management

Performance Management is an ongoing process of communication between a supervisor and an employee that occurs throughout the year, in support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organization. The communication process includes clarifying expectations, setting objectives, identifying goals, providing feedback, and reviewing results.

Implementing performance management

We are committed to maintaining a positive work environment and treating all employees fairly. In that spirit, we will:

  • Ensure that performance objectives are clear, measurable, and mutually agreed upon
  • Maintain open lines of communication with all employees to address concerns promptly
  • Provide support and resources to managers and supervisors to handle performance issues appropriately
  • Regularly review and update our performance management processes to ensure they are fair and transparent

Addressing performance issues

If you are experiencing performance issues, we encourage you to:

  • Seek feedback and clarification on your performance objectives
  • Discuss these issues with your supervisor or HR department as soon as possible
  • Seek advice and support from the HR department

We will investigate all reports thoroughly and take necessary actions to resolve the situation. This may include additional training, changes to work practices, or performance improvement plans.

Disciplinary consequences

If an employee’s performance does not meet the agreed-upon standards, they may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to:

  • Consistently failing to meet performance objectives.
  • Neglecting duties or responsibilities.
  • Failing to improve performance after being provided with support and resources.


This policy template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. It may not take into account all relevant local, state, or federal laws and is not a legal document. Neither the author nor [Your Company Name] will assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this policy.

Step by step instructions for writing a good employee performance management policy

What is a Performance Management Policy?: This section defines what performance management is and what the policy should include. It should be tailored to fit the specific needs and culture of your company.

Policy brief & purpose: This section explains the purpose of the policy and how it benefits the company and its employees.

Scope: This section specifies who the policy applies to. In most cases, it will apply to all employees.

Policy elements: This section breaks down the policy into its key components. It should include a definition of performance management, how it will be implemented, how performance issues will be addressed, and what the potential disciplinary consequences are.

Disclaimer: This section provides a legal disclaimer to clarify that the policy is a guideline and not a legal document. It should state that it may not cover all relevant local, state, or federal laws and that neither the author nor the company will assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of the policy.

Remember, this is a template and should be customized to fit the specific needs and culture of your company.

Disclaimer: This policy template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. It may not take into account all relevant local, state or federal laws and is not a legal document. Neither the author nor Workable will assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this policy.

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