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How to write the best job description ever: 6 tips for success

Writing the best job description involves addressing candidates directly, using clear job titles, being honest about the company...

Recruiting on LinkedIn: a step-by-step guide

Recruiting on LinkedIn is highly beneficial as it provides access to a vast network of professionals, enabling you to post jobs,...

Source of hire: what it is, how to measure it and how to use it

A source of hire (SoH) is a metric that shows the percentage of your overall hires that entered your pipeline from each recruiti...

The 10 most important applicant tracking system features

Key features of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) include the ability to import and export data, universal search, tagging, Goo...

Hiring process FAQ: A guide to structured recruitment

The hiring process comprises several stages, from identifying the need for a role to the acceptance of a job offer by a candidat...

How to post a job on Monster

Monster is part of the job board elite. Formed in 1994, it is a powerful recruiting tool that offers job ad products to help emp...

How to create a great candidate experience

Creating a great candidate experience involves clear communication, respect for candidates' time, and a smooth application proce...

How to send recruiting emails to candidates: An FAQ guide

These FAQs about recruiting emails will help you optimize your process, including best practices on scheduling interviews and fe...

How to build your first employee training program

An employee training program is a strategic plan aimed at enhancing employees' skills and knowledge for their current roles or f...

When to hire a recruiting agency

Recruitment agencies save your company time and effort by sourcing and shortlisting candidates for your open roles. Why you shou...

How to recruit on Reddit

There’s a popular saying in the recruiting world: You’ve got to go where your candidates are. For recruiters, that means going b...

How to maximize user adoption of your ATS

Engaging Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are built with users in mind. A user-friendly system can be a powerful hiring tool. Pr...

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