Hiring Solutions & Resources
Recruitment process & strategy
Develop your entire recruitment strategy and process from the bottom up with the help of these resources.

Your Hiring Pulse report for January 2024
In December’s Hiring Pulse, we took a deep dive into UK & Ireland hiring data and the lesson was clear: SMB hiring data isn’...

Your Hiring Pulse report for December 2023
In November’s Hiring Pulse, we noted a huge drop in new jobs in the United States from 336,000 in September to 150,000 in Octobe...

Your Hiring Pulse report for November 2023
In October’s Hiring Pulse, we noted the huge rise in total payrolls in September to the tune of 336,000 in the United States. Me...

Your Hiring Pulse report for October 2023
In September’s Hiring Pulse, we noted how a glut of candidates for a job posting isn’t so much of a luxury as it is a burden on ...

Your Hiring Pulse report for September 2023
In August’s Hiring Pulse, we noted the ever-increasing number of candidates per hire and a dropping Time to Fill trend. We noted...

Build a high-performing sales team: your comprehensive guide
You may be a newly hired or appointed sales executive charged with building out a sales department to further company goals, or ...

Your Hiring Pulse report for August 2023
In July’s Hiring Pulse, we highlighted the staggering increase in the number of candidates per job opening – and it really is ve...

How to choose the right AI recruiting software
Artificial intelligence seems to be optimizing everything lately, and the recruitment process is no exception. Finding, screenin...

Your Hiring Pulse report for July 2023
In June’s Hiring Pulse, we pointed out how ChatGPT and its AI cousins are impacting the job landscape, and that the stabilizatio...

Your Hiring Pulse report for June 2023
In May’s Hiring Pulse, we went all-in on how deep the candidate pool was. We even got melodramatically metaphorical with it, lik...

5 tips on making workplaces LGBTQ inclusive
It’s what you do that matters, not what you say you are going to do. When you’re looking at making your workplace more LGB...

Your Hiring Pulse report for May 2023
In April’s Hiring Pulse, we talked extensively about AI at work – namely, the latest and potentially greatest destabilizer in th...