How to find HR Managers with Boolean search strings

When hiring a HR Manager, use Boolean search logic in Google to find resumes and profiles. Our search string examples provide a basis to build your own commands. Modify them to recruit skilled individuals who can lead your recruitment, talent management and benefits operations.


Building search strings to find HR Managers

Create a generic Boolean search string for HR managers around terms like:

  • -job -jobs -sample -examples, to avoid irrelevant results
  • (intitle:resume OR intitle:cv), to discover candidates’ online resumes or CVs
  • (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”), to cover variations of job titles

Here’s an example of a generic search string to find resumes:

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (“HR manager” OR “HR director”) -job -jobs -sample -examples – “resume services”

With this search string, the words “resume” or “CV” have to appear in the page title. Adding variations of HR Manager job titles will provide more relevant results. And, excluding more terms reduces false positives.


Searching for HR Manager profiles

Search for profiles on specific sites with Boolean search in Google, by including the site: operator and terms found exclusively on member profiles. For example:

  • (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”) “member since”
  • (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”) “credentials & highlights”
  • (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”)

Add more criteria in your search to find profiles that better match your requirements.

When sourcing EU candidates, please refer to guidance on using social media for recruiting and collecting candidate information as per the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR.

Sample string to search for resumes of HR Managers in various formats

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (filetype:pdf OR filetype:doc OR filetype:txt) (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”) -job -jobs -sample -templates

Examples of Boolean search strings to find HR Managers by experience and title

Use these Boolean strings for HR managers who:

May have various titles

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (“HR manager” OR “HR director”) -job -jobs -sample -examples

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (“HR manager” OR “VP of HR” OR “VP of Human Resources”) -job -jobs -sample -examples

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (“HR manager” OR “People Operations Manager”) -job -jobs -sample -examples

Have recruitment experience

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”) (recruited OR hired OR hiring OR recruitment) -job -jobs -sample -examples

Have onboarding and talent management experience

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”) onboarding (“talent management” OR “managed talent” OR “managed people”) -job -jobs -sample -examples

Are certified in Human Resources Management

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”) (SHRM-SCP OR SPHR) -job -jobs -sample -examples

Examples of Boolean search strings to find HR Managers by location

By state or city:

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”) (California OR CA) -job -jobs -sample -templates

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”) Melbourne Australia -job -jobs -sample -templates


By area code:

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”) (Florida OR FL) 407 -job -jobs -sample -templates

Find area codes here.

Within a range of zip codes:

(intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) (“HR manager” OR “Human Resources manager”) California 90001..92887 -job -jobs -sample -templates

Find the right zip code ranges here and here.

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