Hiring Solutions & Resources
Pay & benefits

Understanding 401(k) & employee retirement plan benefits
“An average American, no matter their age, can still start planning and saving for retirement”. These are the words of the renow...

Understanding the Federal Employer ID & its importance
Many aspects of tax collection need attention before forming a new business. In the United States, the 95 Number, Employer ID Nu...

Money matters: conduct salary research and set competitive pay
People work in exchange for money. It’s the very premise of having a job in the first place. But unfortunately, according to Gar...

What is payroll deduction?
Every employee receives a paycheck, but the amount they take home is often less than their total earnings. This difference is du...

Got the job offer? Top strategies to negotiate a higher salary
How to negotiate salary in the job interview It is better to negotiate salary after you have proven to the company that you are ...

A step-by-step guide on how to ask for a raise
While the thought of requesting a salary increase can make you break out in a cold sweat, remember that, at worst, your boss wil...