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Employee reference letter sample

A reference letter is a written confirmation of a person's character and credentials. Use this sample reference letter template when a colleague, former team member, student, or acquaintance asks for a personal recommendation. Be sure to modify this reference letter template with specific examples from your experience with that person.

Employment reference letters are essential for job seekers across the globe. Why do you think they are still relevant? 

Well, 95% of companies perform reference checks. This highlights the importance of a reference letter from a former employer. If you want to learn how to format employee reference letters, we’ve got you covered! The process of writing a reference for your former employees may seem daunting at first. However, it is fairly simple, especially if you learn how to use our customizable template! Let’s check out the free sample employee reference letter below.

How to write a reference letter

First, when someone asks you for a reference letter, think about whether you can actually give them a good recommendation. If you’re not sure you can recommend them without thinking twice, it’s best to politely decline sending the referral letter rather than be forced to lie (or make negative comments ruining the other person’s chances).

If you’re sure you can write a positive employment reference letter for an employee using a sample, follow this process:

  1. Refresh your memory about the person. For example, ask HR what their exact title was when they worked in your team and for how long they stayed. Consult your records to see if there are useful notes about them.
  2. Write down two to three qualities that characterize this person. If you can recall specific examples that prove these qualities, put them in your reference letter too.
  3. Think about specific experiences you had with that person, especially instances, showing a positive attitude or knowledge. Include one example in your letter if possible.
  4. Use our reference letter template for a job seeker to shape your letter of recommendation format.

In any case, you might need to spend half an hour or so to write a good recommendation letter for an employee using a sample. But if you have good things to say, this person is worth it! 

Here’s our reference letter template:

Dear [insert name],

I am writing to recommend [employee_name]. [He/She/They] worked with us at [company_name] as a [employee_job_title] and [reported to me/ worked with me] in my position as [insert your job title].

As an employee, [employee_name] was always [insert quality]. During [his/her/their] time in my team, [he/she/they] managed to [insert example].

I’ve always put a premium on [insert quality] among my team members and [employee_name] never failed to deliver. An example was when [insert example].

[Employee_name] is a delight to work with and I wouldn’t hesitate to hire [him/her/them] again.

Should you have any further questions about [him/her/them], feel free to reach me at [phone number].

[Your name and signature]

How to use this reference letter format:

  • Flesh it out. Use one or two sentences to give context to each of your examples.
  • Be flexible. Use the template as a guide, but write in your own voice and say what you think is important.
  • Be honest. Your former employee or colleague may be asked about the examples you provided. Don’t embellish to make them look good since this may come out eventually.
  • Be targeted, if you can. If you have information about the job or program the employee is applying to, tailor your letter to reflect specific requirements. For example, if you know this job requires leadership skills, give relevant examples.

Common pitfalls to avoid in a reference letter:

  1. Being Vague: Generic or vague statements don’t provide meaningful insight into a person’s capabilities. Be specific and provide concrete examples of the candidate’s skills and achievements. One of the best tips for writing a character reference letter is simply this – talk about their character! 
  2. Including Irrelevant Information: Mentioning details unrelated to the job the candidate is applying for can dilute the effectiveness of the reference. Focus on information relevant to the position or program the candidate is applying for. Follow our employee recommendation template and tailor your examples to align with the job requirements.
  3. Ignoring the Job Description: A letter that doesn’t address the specific requirements or qualities needed for the job can be less impactful. If you aren’t following the employee reference letter format and overlooking the job description part of it, then what is even the point?
  4. Failing to Proofread: Knowing how to write a good recommendation letter is only possible when you avoid spelling and grammatical errors. They can undermine the professionalism of the reference letter. Carefully proofread the letter before sending it. 
  5. Lack of Contact Information: What is a reference letter if it doesn’t have a reference? Not providing your contact information can limit the reader’s ability to follow up for additional details. Always include your phone number or email address in the reference letter for students or employees.
  6. Not Following Guidelines: If the organization or recipient has specific guidelines for reference letters or professional reference letter templates, failing to follow them can lead to the letter being disregarded. Verify if there are any specific requirements for writing a reference letter for an employee.

Here’s a reference letter example based on our template:

Dear Mr. Skywalker,

I am writing to recommend Leia Thompson. She worked with me at Acme Inc. as a Senior Product Manager and reported to me in my position as VP of Engineering.

As an employee, Leia was always reliable and resourceful. During her time in my team, she managed to conduct high-impact user research and make a number of key recommendations that resulted in an improved product (and subsequently increased sales).

I’ve always put a premium on initiative and willingness to learn among my team members and Leia never failed to deliver on both fronts. An example was when she suggested we create a regular internal meetup where more senior employees could answer questions from other employees about their work. She was the first to take advantage of the knowledge these meetups offered and implemented it in her own work.

Leia is a delight to work with – a team player with a positive, can-do attitude all the way. I wouldn’t hesitate to hire her again if the opportunity arose.

Should you have any further questions, feel free to reach me at +10000000.


Sarah Long
VP of Engineering, Acme Inc.

Did you know 34% of respondents lie on LinkedIn? But why do you think they’re lying? It’s because they do not have employment reference letters

Advantages of writing an employment reference letter

Enhanced Job Prospects

A compelling reference letter can significantly improve a person’s candidature. It provides a strong endorsement of their abilities and character, making them stand out among other applicants. According to Martin Abel, a reference letter can increase the chances of callbacks by 66%. So, if you’re still pondering on how to write a reference letter for someone, now is the time to get it right. 

Verification of Skills and Experience

Employers confirm a candidate’s qualifications through reference checks. Writing a letter of recommendation for an employee with details validates the individual’s claims about their skills, experience, and job performance, adding credibility to their application​.

Building Trust

A strong reference letter from a reputable source helps build trust with potential employers. What reference letters should include – the reassurance that the candidate has been vetted by a reliable third party, reducing hiring risks​. Writing a stellar reference letter can enhance the writer’s professional reputation. It demonstrates their commitment to supporting their employees or mentees and can reflect positively on their judgment and leadership abilities.

Strengthen Professional Relationships

Providing a thoughtful and supportive reference can strengthen the relationship between the writer and the candidate. If you read an employee recommendation template, it will highlight the writer’s values. It also showcases the candidate’s contributions and willingness to advocate for their future success.

Final tips for writing an employee reference letter

Write like a human

After scouting reference letter tips online, you might feel, some are a bit too generic. Well, that’s because they use tools to write employment reference letters. While most AI-based content works nowadays, reference letters should still sound human. So, bring a little soul to the letter and sound like a person! 

Don’t go overboard

Saying too much can sometimes go against you, or in this case, your ex-employee! Trust us when we say, this is one of the most important tips for writing strong letters of recommendation. If you want to praise the individual, please do. But it is advised not to do it too much. 

Share success stories

Most experts share tips for reference letters highlighting this aspect – talk about their work with success stories. From a brand pitch to unbelievable campaign delivery, you can use some examples to make the individual’s skills shine in the employment reference letter

Be crisp 

Folks worrying about how to write lengthy reference letters should be glad to know that short and sweet is always the best! Imagine yourself in the recruiter’s place and think – would you have the time to read reference letters by students for more than five minutes? If the answer is no, then please you know how to write a referral letter crisply

We’ve covered pretty much everything you need to know about writing a reference or recommendation letter for an employee. So, the next time you are asked to write one, it’s going to be smooth sailing!

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