How to Answer Analytical Skills Interview Questions

Why is the interviewer testing your analytical skills? During an interview, your employer may ask you some tricky questions to assess your problem-solving skills and how you use data to analyze and evaluate processes. By preparing for these questions in advance with sample answers created by our team at Workable, you can demonstrate your analytical skills and present yourself as an outstanding candidate.

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What are common interview questions?

The following analytical interview questions assess how you:

  • Gather data to inform your decisions
  • Assess both positive and negative situations to improve your processes
  • Are able to develop processes 
  • Evaluate information through critical thinking
  • Think through problems to find solutions
  • Set and achieve goals
  • Communicate your findings and decisions to a team

Describe a situation where you needed to solve a problem but did not have all the information you needed to do so. What did you do then?

This question requires you to demonstrate your research skills and problem-solving abilities. Use this opportunity to show what makes you unique and how analytical, organized, and detail-oriented you are by supporting your interview answer with real work experience.

Sample answer: “Sales were down, and I needed to find a solution. I sent out surveys to team members to determine the cause of the problem. It turned out that sales were down because employees were not following up on leads. After I implemented a new project management system, sales increased by 10%.”

How do you weigh the pros and cons before making a decision?

When answering the question, explain how you make decisions, what systems you use, and why you use them. There’s no right or wrong system.

Sample answer: “When I make decisions, I use logic and reasoning and ensure I have gathered all the information I need. I then use the facts to weigh the different options and evaluate the likelihood of each outcome. I make the best decision for my company based on the ideal scenario.”

Your manager wants to buy new software or hardware to increase team productivity and asks you for a recommendation. How would you respond?

Your interviewer has asked you to imagine a job-related scenario. It’s hypothetical, but it will test your ability to think through all the relevant factors. 

Sample answer: “First, I would research which functions are most important to my supervisor and what the budget constraints are. Then I would search for productivity software that would meet current and future needs. Once I compiled a list of 5-10 options, I would narrow it down to three with a top recommendation.”

Explain step-by-step how you troubleshoot [X] problem

You are not expected to solve the problem but rather explain how you approach it.

Sample answer: “I first try to understand the situation. Then I take a step-by-step approach to figure out what caused the problem. If I can’t do it myself, I ask for help. At that point, we should have found something that works. If not, I’ll review to see if there’s another step I have overlooked or contact my managers.”

What metrics do you regularly track (e.g., conversion rates, number of new customers, expenses)? What information do you research, and how do you use it?

Answer this with a metric that you know is relevant to the job you are applying for.

Sample answer: I currently use analytics software to track where visitors to my website are coming from and their activities while they are there. This helps me understand how successful our current campaigns are and how often we attract new visitors to our site. These statistics assist in determining the next step for the business.”

Do you need to prepare for an analytical skills interview?

For your interview preparation, it’s a good idea to have some answers in mind beforehand to clarify your thoughts. The best way to do this is to practice using these sample questions and answers and adapting them to your role. You can also prepare for an interview by looking at the types of decision-making questions an interviewer might ask.

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